The above topics are an issue in our industry in terms of the method in which the K53 is taught and how it affects a students learning and the lesson amount to be r test ready and total training cost.
If you go to any learning institution in the world they have formulated a specific structured manner in which they teach what ever module they are teaching at that particular institution. They also have an order in which they present the module information starting at foundation and moving the student gradually up to the final objective of the course building knowledge and confidence.
With the K53 method of testing and learning. The traffic department has formulated a way to test in students ( a group and number of tasks to perform) it but have not formulated a standard teaching manual in which students should be taught the information ( which many other countries have done and surpassed us in South Africa on this phase)
Due to this reason you have various instructors with various teaching styles and different understand levels that start the teaching process at random teaching points to the different students they are teaching the K53 method of driving to.
This can hinder training dramatically and can also allow the instructors to omit and forget to teach important facts necessary for the students progress and foundation and confidence. All of which play a role on the test day pass rate. . And it is actually common where learners go for the test under prepared having not being taught all the tasks required and are asked for perform a specific task and simply are unaware of what is the task being asked of them and was not taught it as required.
So as the traffic department and examiners have a test sheet that they mark each item. Driving instructors too should be required to carry a test sheet with a list of items that needs to be taught and ticked off in a specific order.. Just like any school or learning process.
Without this aid for instructors. The instructor is able to collect a student and choose any starting point of training he would like, without covering necessary important basics to build a strong foundation and confidence. It is also common of instructors to expect students to have a base knowledge of driving which they may or may not have, but it should not be expected of them to have it. And should be taught everything and built up by the instructor.
There should be a complete separate manual for instructors on what to cover first to last even if the student has a basic understanding or knowledge... All information should be covered and ticked in order to progress from one section to the next.
After each module covered by the student, he/she should receive a completion form stating what module or level has been covered along with the competency rate it was covered at.
With this form they will have the accuracy and freedom to continue testing with an alternative school should they require and can merely pick up from where they left off that will be stated on the form.
This way you will avoid random chaotic teaching and learning methods
At the moment a good teacher is a teacher who has prioritized and formulated his own structure of teaching the K53 from his own intellect and years of experience. But this can be put into a manual form and become an industry standard by government. This will also improve the pass rate and unclog the long waiting periods at the traffic departments caused by multiple bookings caused my multiple students failing due to not being well prepared for the test on the first attempt due to lack of proper teaching and learning methods.
To become an instructor you merely have to complete the test yourself and are marked a little stricter and by no means suggest you are a good teacher or have good teaching principles and procedures.
At our school we have serviced more than 30 thousand students and provided more then 500 thousand hours of teaching. And have formulated the most effective efficient methods and procedures to teaching the K53 thus allowing our students to pass. We have formulated a general order of teaching that seems to work over a large amount of students to learn the K53 and confidently perform the tasks on the test day. We train all of our instructors to ensure this implementation is complete when teaching students. And take you from start to finish without overlooking any aspect and explain the full test and point system that many schools lack in the formalized teaching procedures that we ensure.